blue landscape architects - Gold Award
Commercial - Educational/Institutional/Play Space Design
Design Brief:
To provide documentation based on an inherited concept plan including shortlisted play tower options and develop a relevant and meaningful playground for a diverse range of users and an opportunity for deeper learning or investigation about what makes ‘place’, what is local and what can be understood as ‘home’.
The landscape site ran north / south with nature reserve to the east and industrial estate to the north. Open maintained fields lay to the south and west where community markets happen monthly over summer. No significant vegetation was present where the site works were to occur.
A key research item was the history of the local indigenous community, the way they lived, gathered, ate and hunted.
Judges’ Comments:
A carefully considered, sensitive design, bringing warmth and variation in the choice of materials, and various modes of play for different personalities. A thoughtful interpretation of local flora and fauna surrounding the site.
Location: Kingston Park, VIC
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